One of my favourite parts of curating Firstlinks is learning more about products and businesses in our Interview Series.
The interviews go beyond the usual marketing messages to identify investments and ideas from leaders in the asset management industry and financial services generally. We often allow the interviewee to mention their own products as readers need to know where to find out more. This latest collection of 23 experts covers most asset types and is a window into how portfolios can become more diversified to manage risk.
From the start of Firstlinks in 2012, we have focussed on the insights of market experts into investing, superannuation and many social and demographic issues. Our audience now totals about 100,000 Monthly Active Users making over two million pageviews a year. Morningstar’s acquisition of Firstlinks has provided additional resources and distribution reach.
The Firstlinks website includes a searchable archive with thousands of articles and is worth a visit to learn more about a vast range of investing topics.
These interviews have not been 're-edited' and should be read in the context of the date they were written. They are general information and do not consider the circumstances of any investor.
Thanks to our sponsors who enable Firstlinks to be distributed free to subscribers and other readers. Please share this free eBook with friends and colleagues and encourage them to subscribe to our weekly newsletter for more great articles over coming years.
Graham Hand, Editor-At-Large, Firstlinks