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Orbis Investments

To generate superior long-term returns, you need to think and act differently.

At Orbis, we have been confidently investing in unpopular or ignored stocks for over 30 years. We’re interested in long-term potential, rather than short-term performance, and our team of 60+ investment professionals focus on unearthing companies trading for less than we believe they are worth, rather than timing market trends. But to find these opportunities, you can’t think like everyone else.

To aim for better than average results, you need to be built different to the average.

We believe that the best way to create long-term value for clients is by finding value others miss. While that idea is not unique, for most it’s easier said than done. The Orbis difference is in how we’ve structured our company to achieve this:

  • Private ownership unlocks long-term value
    Contrarian investing can be uncomfortable, and it can take time for our ideas to pay off. Being privately owned means we have no external pressure for fast results and instant success. We put the best interests of clients first, ensuring our focus remains on building them wealth over the long-term.
  • Only proven stockpickers make the decisions
    Before they invest your client’s capital we test that our contrarian analysts can truly outperform. They’re accountable for every decision they make, which we track and measure rigorously. This unique system focuses on the facts, separating skill from luck, so only proven outperformers work for your clients. It’s an approach we’ve adopted with successive generations of contrarian stockpickers, and it will never change.
  • Shared interests, shared success
    We’re rewarded when clients outperform. It’s that simple. We are designed differently to keep us solely focused on performance. Investors get a performance fee refund if we don’t beat the benchmark, so our success is tied with theirs. This ensures we remain driven by the same motivation: to achieve long-term returns.

Australian investors can access this deep global equity expertise through our Australian-registered Funds. Visit for more information.

Equity Trustees Ltd AFSL No. 240975 (EQT) is the issuer of units in the Orbis Funds domiciled in Australia. You should consider the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (PDS) and Target Market Determination (TMD) before acquiring or disposing units in such funds. The relevant PDS and TMD can be obtained from Each TMD sets out who an investment in the fund might be appropriate for and the circumstances that trigger a review of the TMD.

The Orbis logo is a registered trademark of Orbis Holdings Limited and is used under licence.


Digging deeper: unearthing hidden opportunities
Digging deeper: unearthing hidden opportunities


A cut above the rest Positive Energy: A contrarian take on transition Solving the diversification dilemma


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You think you're passive but are you really concentrating?

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Sponsor White Papers

Sunrise on Venus: Preparing for the investing environment of the next decade

Using long-term data, this paper looks at how we got here, which equities are at risk, why the investing world is changing, and how investors can prepare for the decade ahead.

Value investing myths, debunked

As the growth versus value debate intensifies, this report from Orbis seeks to debunk three oft-repeated myths about value investing with hard data and considered analysis.

Allan’s Legacy - Investment Thinking

Orbis founder Allan Gray's distinctive investment philosophy has been in place at Orbis since inception. This paper highlights a small selection of the investment insights that have resonated most with those who worked with Allan over the years.

Active Management: A Practitioner’s Perspective

The chorus proclaiming the “death of active management” has grown louder in recent years and there has been a massive shift of capital out of active and into passive strategies.

Value and Growth Investing in Perspective

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