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Guns, banks, innocence and a Trump warning

When Donald Trump floated his crazy idea about arming teachers with guns in schools, it jogged my memory.

In 1976, I was a university bursar with the Commonwealth Bank, and we were required to spend our first vacation in a branch. I worked three months in Engadine branch, and there was a hand gun in an open cupboard next to my desk. Just sitting there innocently on the shelf, next to the stapler and tin money boxes.

I sent out a note to some former colleagues from that era, asking if anyone could confirm branches had guns lying around and if so, what were we supposed to do with them.

What came back was often hilarious, but also deeply troubling. I reproduce here with minor editing, removing any identifiers.

Story 1: Union rules, carry the gun in a fabric bag and don’t touch it

When I left school in 1978, I worked in Stock and Share Department, which was on the corner of George and Market in the city. There was a trading bank on the ground floor and we were on the 8th floor. On paydays, the staff clerk collected all the withdrawal slips from the staff. You were asked to fill out a slip saying how much of your pay you wanted to take in cash. This was so that staff were not continually traipsing down to the branch and clogging up the queues.

She (the staff clerk) took them down to the branch, collected all the cash (which could be quite a lot – Stock and Share must have had about 100 employees) and brought it back up to distribute it.

Bank policy was that she had to be accompanied down the fire stair (using the lift was considered a security risk) by a male staff member carrying a gun. One day, I was asked to fill this role.

Union policy, on the other hand, was that they did not want their members exposed to attack from criminals. They therefore did not want their members to be seen carrying the gun, nor did they want their members to risk their lives for the bank’s money. So - this was apparently the compromise solution - I was given the gun, but it was in a fabric bag, and I was told that under no circumstances was I to take the gun out of the bag or attempt to defend the staff clerk or the money in the event we were robbed.

So I climbed up and down the 8 flights of fire stairs carrying (very carefully as I had never touched a gun before) this fabric bag with a gun in it that I was under no circumstances to use, to provide ‘protection’ to our staff clerk. I am sure this made her feel much safer!

Story 2: Women could not handle the gun

In 1964 -1965 I was working at Sydney University branch. Every morning at precisely the same time a colleague and I would walk precisely the same route across the University from the Parramatta Road side to City Road. Beyond retrospective disbelief at the lack of variety in our approach (obviously would be thieves were of a nicer class of people in those days), my colleague and I each carried a gun in a holster. A bit like the Cobb and Co gold delivery without the horses

The introduction of female tellers started the end of guns in branches. When our female colleagues were finally allowed to handle cash, they were not allowed to have access to a gun. Many young male tellers were very comfortable to also give up the ‘privilege’, especially as new security features like the exploding bank notes filled with indelible ink and then the rising screens started to make their introduction.

Story 3: Half a million in a tin box, gun in pocket

CBA Townsville branch doubled up as the Reserve Bank’s dispenser of new notes for the banking system in the region in the 1960s and 1970s. At Christmas time there could be as much as $50 million in notes in the branch vault.

One of the jobs was to destroy old notes and send new notes to different towns. I can vividly remember walking a tin box with $500k in it to the Post Office, signing it in for sending by train to Cairns and wandering back to the branch with my trusty bank pistol in my pocket!

I am pretty sure the PO people were unaware the box contained cash. I was told if I were accosted, to hand the cash over without resistance. But if you were confident about not hitting any bystanders, you might think about giving the villains a hurry up!

Story 4: Gun taken home then dropped and it discharged

What great stories ... and I confirm them.

In Victoria as a 16-year-old teller, I was given a pistol and six bullets to take home on the train and then report first thing the next morning at the Reserve Bank pistol range in the city. I brought back my target sheet with 2 holes in the bullseye and I still have that treasured item!

Oh … the gun but no bullets were returned to the branch in case you were wondering!

The guns at the many suburban branches where I worked were indeed kept in tellers’ drawers during open hours but stored in the vault at night. I vividly recall one of my colleagues dropping a pistol inside the vault and it discharging! I dodged a bullet you might say! True story.

Story 4: 17 years of age and given the duty of ‘escort officer’ with a gun

Shortly after starting work at 96 William Street, Adelaide (17 years of age) was assigned to the duty of ‘escort officer’ being required to walk with the carrier of cash and negotiables to the Reserve Bank some 600 metres away. I pointed out that I had never used a gun and was reassured that it probably wouldn’t be needed as it hadn’t been previously.

I can recall the pistol being kept in a cupboard which allowed easy access to anyone during the day. However, it was locked at night. I can vividly recall one thing. On one very hot day the cash carrier and I stopped for a milkshake on our return trip. While perched on a high stool the pistol eased itself out of my pocket and proceeded to bounce across the tiled floor of the shop in which, fortunately, we were the only customers. I can’t remember how long I held the ‘escort officer’ position but I was very happy to be replaced.

Story 5: Gun discharges, bullet hits roof, audit finds bullet missing

Serving at Coolangatta during holiday times with the CBA as the local cash issuing/collecting (same day/same time each week) certainly made us stand out but we still strolled 150 metres down the road with rather suspicious boxes full of cash (at least the holes were punched in the notes but who knew that).

A lot of comfort was taken by having the pretty much useless .38 deep in our pocket with the extra ‘security’ of another suspicious looking officer walking 15 metres behind with another weapon that Wyatt Earp wouldn’t have been able to draw in a week. The boxes were very causally treated by the PO staff, left lying on a counter out the back beside the open back door!

At Mt Isa, we had an occasional service centre at the Mines Barracks in a tin shed. Unfortunately, one of the officers on duty on one occasion accidentally dropped the weapon which discharged and put a hole through the shed roof. The noise was deafening and so was the manager’s investigation at the audit that found one bullet missing that was not otherwise reported.

Shooting range was always fun especially when the old bullets had to be replaced so we were able to shoot more than the regulated 5 or 10 shots. At least it confirmed that with the .38 being a very heavy ‘can’t shoot straight’ weapon, we were never going to be a real threat to anyone in a time of ‘anger’ and couldn’t hit the side of a barn with a handful of wheat.

Story 6: Gun taken home to shoot some chooks

Joined Redfern branch 1968. Had a pistol which was locked away in my teller tin and put in the safe at night. Trained to shoot in Martin Place (boy, did a pistol kick on first use). Another teller took his gun home one night and shot some of his neighbour's chooks. Needless to say he got dismissed and the Branch Accountant was in deep s--- for not seeing the gun away at night.

Story 7: Take cab, deliver foreign notes, don’t forget the gun

To add a bit more colour, on attachment to Overseas Department Sydney in the early 60’s, I had to take a parcel of foreign currency to the Central Parcel Office at Central Railway by cab and was given a revolver to take with me. No training or any idea how to use it. On alighting from the cab at Central, it fell from my pocket onto the floor of the cab, to the consternation of the driver.

Story 8: Bank gun used for suicide was not unusual

Late 1950’s, aged say 16, I collected registered mail from the Sydney GPO via the tunnel under Pitt St (over the Tank Stream). My collection and delivery of the mail was supported by three hand guns - I believe a .22, a .32 and I think a .45.

One delivery each day was to George & Market Sts branch and I always selected the bigger gun and holster so it was more obvious to pedestrians under my unbuttoned suit coat???

Playing with one of the guns in a room off Overseas Department (ground floor, Martin & Pitt Sts branch), I half-cocked the gun and jammed a bullet. I spent many, many very anxious minutes clearing the weapon, avoiding it going off to the consternation of staff, customers and me!

A good friend took his life with the bank’s gun at an inner west branch. I believe this was not that unusual. The training and practice firing range in the Elizabeth St and Martin Place branch had a full-time instructor. I never received any weapons training.

Story 9: Waving the gun around, how many shots left?

My favourite memory of guns in the CBA was in 1957 at Maitland NSW. The entire branch staff were at the local rifle range for ‘pistol practice’ under the watchful eye of the manager. One by one we stepped forward onto the mat and were handed the pistol. It was already loaded and all we had to do was release the safety catch, point at the target and fire six shots.

The remainder of the staff were located immediately behind the ‘shooter’ in an extended line. And of course, offering their learned advice. The manager’s final instruction was to face forward until all shots had been fired.

Things went great until the office junior stepped forward and took control of the pistol. She looked so professional and almost hit the target with her 4th shot. Then, alas, she turned around, faced everyone and said, “How many shots have I got left?” No one answered as everyone had gone to ground.

There was no more pistol practice that day or in the following year.

Story 10: Rebuilding the gun, and more suicide

I can confirm all the gun stories. I was a teller in 1958 aged 18 when tellers were supposed to be at least 21 years of age. In my second branch posting, I was on the counter as the only teller at a small branch with no training except observation. And of course, I was given control of the gun, which was a Browning .32. The gun was kept in a leather holster under the counter in the teller’s box and locked away in cash tin overnight.

Like others, we later had some gun training at the range in Martin Place. There were strict instructions and processes for cleaning the gun which I would do between customers whenever the work book said it was due. The most important instruction said never to twist the gun barrel.

Anyway this day I did twist the barrel, I think on purpose, and the gun exploded into a bunch of spare parts with a couple of large pieces and many small pieces and springs. I thought this was the end of my banking career so I tried to put it back together with no luck. I put the large gun pieces together and they looked like the gun enough so that the Manager when he checked my cash tin to go away overnight could see the gun. All the small pieces were in a tobacco tin in my teller’s drawer. Every time I got a chance when the Manager was not looking, I tried to put the gun back together.

This went on for a couple of months but no luck with the reassembly. I kept at it and one day it all clicked back together, and I had no leftover parts. Soon after we went to Martin Place for our regular shoot and of course I had to take the gun but there was no way I was going to shoot with it. I went to the man in charge and softly asked him if he would give my gun a careful check over. He turned to my workmates and some from other branch people and very loudly said, “HERE IS ANOTHER ONE WHO TWISTED THE BARREL.”

One tragic matter … I was at Petersham branch when the cleaner came in early one morning to find the manager had used the office gun to suicide in his office. That would have been in late 1950s or early 1960s.

Concluding …

Yes, they were simpler and more innocent times, and no doubt procedures would be tighter now. But it has been estimated that with about 3.4 million teachers in the US, if only 20% had guns, that would be another 700,000 in circulation.

More guns, more accidents, more killings, more suicides. Not so innocent then.


Graham Hand is Managing Editor of Cuffelinks.

George Paparestis
August 27, 2024

What great stories. I worked in the CBA bank mid 70’s to mid 80’s. I almost had forgotten we had the pistols. Imagine having pistols today & keeping them in your cash tin. You’d be given less bullets , I’d imagine, as there is less cash as internet banking has grown. Just a thought!

ANZ Kal '77
April 11, 2023

I worked for ANZ in WA in the 70's, and we were issued with either 7.65mm Beretta or a S+W .38 revolver. Male tellers, accountants and managers were issued and weapons stayed in drawers during the day and in the cash tray in the safe at night, although accountants and managers seemed to regard themselves carrying weapons as optional, most did not. The girls didn't get issued !
Training was zero but a number of us were in the Army Reserve and organised our own 'range' practise but with not too many rounds.
Actual use on crooks was maybe once every five years somewhere in Australia, so we didn't expect to ever use them !
Was it a good idea ? Why not, the WW2 generation was then very much in charge and resented armed crooks attacking their branches, so what do you expect they'd do !

August 03, 2021

A trip down memory lane. I worked at an ANZ branch in Melbourne and being required to perform “ escort duty” This required two tellers to collect cash and envelopes from various factories which had a staff deposit box. I and another coworker would simply holster up, hop into my 1964 VW Beetle collect the cash, pop the car boot, drop in the cash and then make our way back to the main branch. It was like I was Dirty Harry!

Carol Wischnowsky
July 13, 2021

A very interesting article Graham. I also worked in banking and well remember the pistols being part if a teller’s kit. My father (who retired from the army) was in charge of all the pistols for one particular bank in the Sydney metropolitan area for many years from 1967. He was given a chauffeur driven car to visit every single branch in the metropolitan area, pick up the pistols, take them back to head office, clean and service them, then deliver them back to the branch. He also trained the tellers at the pistol range on the roof of head office as well as being in charge of the bank’s pistol club. As rifle shooting was his sport of choice ( and he was a champion shot) he always said that being the bank’s armourer was his dream job.

Steve Matthews
May 27, 2020

I worked in a bank in a country town in Queensland in the mid '70s and all the male staff were required to do firearms practice annually. We had little .32 cal Berettas and the first day I reported for duty as a teller, I was shown a bullet hole in the front counter. This was said to be as a result of my predecessor dropping his pistol on the floor in the banking chamber, when returning from a cash clearance. Rather than write a long, difficult explanation to head office it was decided to order new rounds and advise we would carry out "pistol practice" to dispose of our out-of-date supply. Unfortunately there was no pistol range in town, so our accountant "always a resourceful chap" made arrangements for us to go "spotlighting" in his car, on a customers property. We terrified a lot of little wallabies and rabbits, but I don't believe we did any harm to any of them. I think they were mostly out of range for a little .32 cal pistol. I had done Pistol Practice at Belmont the year before and on a 25 meter range and I never hit a thing. It wouldn't happen these days, but we had a lot of fun. :)

March 09, 2018


I read with much interest your stories of Guns in Banks.

This triggered (no pun intended) my memory of living in a small country town in either 1969 or 1970.

During the school holidays & before Christmas, I worked at the local Post Office delivering telegrams, delivering Christmas parcels & collecting the mail from the towns pillar boxes. I was about 16 to 17 at the time.

One day the Post Master asked me to accompany him to the local CBA branch, about 100 metres from the Post Office. He informed me that was carrying quite a large sum of money and he then gave me a hand gun & instructed me to follow him about 10 metres behind him.

I had never held a hand gun before & I remember it was very heavy, it looked like a Smith & Western type of gun.

I don’t know if it was loaded & I was not given any instruction as what to do if there was an incident. Thankfully there was no incident.

I agree with your conclusion, ‘Yes, they were simpler and more innocent times’.

Craig Day
March 09, 2018

Hi Graham
Once worked with an old timer who got a job as a relief bank manager for Bank of NSW. His first posting was out to Bourke in the 1960s. At the end of the first day he was required to take the branch pistol home with him for safe keeping. Not knowing what to do with it he hid it under the pillow on his bed then went out to the local pub for dinner. Later on arrival back home he had completely forgotten about the pistol and collapsed into bed - probably with more than a few beers under his belt. Halfway through the night he woke up in the middle of the night needing to go to the toilet and felt something under his pillow. Half asleep he put his hand under the pillow to see what it was and the pistol discharged. Luckily he was unharmed but he successfully put a bullet through his suite jacket which was hanging in the wardrobe. Not surprisingly back in those days it was not possible to buy a replacement a suite in Bourke. With no other choice he donned his suite in the morning and showed up for service everyday for his two week placement with a neat bullet hole in the breast of his finest suite. Apparently they were still talking about it 20 years later.

March 08, 2018

Ah, Graham! Those were days of wine & roses. After failing first year at UQ I joined the PMG (Post Master General's Dept.) as a clerk in 1963, aged 19. They were also the days of The Beatles, college cuts and stove pipe trousers.

In those days public servants were paid fortnightly in cash and one of my jobs as a newbie was to be the off-sider to the clerk responsible for paying the technicians in the North side telephone exchanges in Brisbane. Each fortnight we would walk down Queen Street from the GPO to the Reserve Bank on the corner of Queen & Edward to cash a cheque and bring back about £50,000 (I was earning less than £20 per week!) in notes and coins. The paying officer would carry the cash in a leather case and I would carry the pistol - a slide action 9mm Browning. Only problem was we were not given a holster and there was no room to hide the gun in the pockets of those stove pipe trousers so it had to be tucked into my waistband, hidden by my shirt. Needless to say, the bloody magazine WAS removed and carried in my pockets!

If we were held up, official instructions were that I was to call out "In the name of the Queen, you are to stop or I will shoot'. I was then obliged to do my duty as guard and take a shot at the supposedly still fleeing villain(s) to recover the money. Advice from the union rep was that in the unlikely event of any of this happening, make sure that I aimed as far above their heads that the only likely thing I might hit was a seagull.

The Navy on the other hand would pull up in a car outside the front door of the Bank, two seamen with Sten guns would jump out onto the footpath, halt the pedestrians (including us) and cover the officer as he went into the Bank and then do the same routine when he came back with the cash.

The gun went in the safe overnight with the pay envelopes and when the Comcar chauffer driven Humber Super Snipe arrived next morning to take us on our tour of telephone exchanges the gun went in the glove box and stayed there all day.

I didn't have any firearms training before starting the job (apart from rifle shooting in the Air Cadets), but we sometimes had to do a proficiency test on the Army range at Enoggera, where hitting the target was considered an accomplishment before everyone trooped off to the pub. Then some clever clogs woke up to the fact that I was still under 21 and was carrying a gun!. So I was told that I was now considered trained enough to be the pay clerk and the much older clerical assistant had to come off higher duties and be the guard. Oh well, all good things have to end for most of us I suppose.

Those were comparatively easy going days and no harm came to any of us. At least before Port Arthur. However, I agree with you that if another 700,000 weapons are put into circulation, even with tighter training and control procedures there will still be accidents and deliberate mis-uses in proportion to the increased opportunity for human nature to stuff something up. Is this the price that has to be paid or are Tasers the answer? Just to be a bit provocative, I remember that police officers did NOT carry firearms 50 years ago, so why do they do so today?

Graham Hand
March 08, 2018

Great story, thanks Doug. I love the “In the name of the Queen ...”. Cheers, G

SMSF Trustee
March 09, 2018

These days the life of a seagull would probably be given more value than the life of a person, albeit a criminal.

I read somewhere that arming the teachers in the US would mean an armed force much larger than the US Army. Expensive, ridiculous proposal.

March 08, 2018

Another great article Graham. It is quite amazing to recall those days. I worked for a bank in my first few months out of school. I recall the tellers all having trolleys wheeled to their cages each morning and on top of each trolley, a pistol. Although I never made teller, I did get to go for pistol practice on the shooting range in the Martin Place branch roof. Perhaps not PC to say it, but it was great fun. As I recall it, the training did not adequately highlight the legal risks of shooting a thief. When I joined a public service department, the pay was delivered in cash to each floor every fortnight. The people delivering the pay were just delegated staff. One person was given a gun to protect the pay team as they travelled from floor to floor. The people who did that job used to tell me that they were glad they never had to fire the gun as the pistols were very old and rattled. So much has changed in 40 years!

March 08, 2018

I worked in an industry where the clerk kept a pistol in the drawer. It went off one day and put a hole in the desk, where the clerk thereafter kept his pencil. Very convenient.
Glad we don't need to handle cash today, and don't need guns.

March 08, 2018

Great article Graham – just what I needed on a stressful Thursday morning.


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