One of the longstanding attractions of the Cuffelinks newsletter is its role not just as a platform for discussing investment ideas, but also as a source for unbiased and dispassionate analysis of the actual 'business' of delivering investment services to investors.
In this regard, I’ve naturally found it particularly interesting to follow the ongoing discussion around the use of exchange traded funds (ETFs) and the (somewhat) associated age-old active versus passive debate. What follows are six of the articles I’ve found especially enlightening from the Cuffelinks archives.
1. Provides an unbiased and realistic assessment of the pros and cons of indexing investing, especially through ETFs, from one of the leaders of the global investment industry.
Howard Marks asks 5 questions on indexing
2. Usefully introduces the concept of investing by global thematic, rather than just passive asset class exposure or individual stocks
Investing by thematics rather than indexes
3. Notes the challenges of innovating in an industry dominated by complexity, consumer apathy, strong existing players and hidden costs
Is there an Uber or Amazon of wealth management?
4. Explains the open-ended structure of ETFs and dispels some of the myths related to their liquidity.
Will ETF liquidity be there when I need it?
5. Outlines some handy rules to keep in mind when investing and trading in ETFs
Ten rules for more effective ETF investing
6. A breakdown of the various costs related to adviser, investment and administration services.
Do you know the fees you’re paying?
Alex Vynokur, Guest Editor
Alex Vynokur is Managing Director of BetaShares Capital Limited. BetaShares is a sponsor of Cuffelinks.