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9 ways to fix Australia's housing crisis

It is my view that Australia’s rising house prices, which have persistently compounded at a faster rate than either average wages or average household income, are a measure of ‘economic excess’ - not ‘economic success’. The unaffordability of housing is the result of decades of appalling failure in public policy.

Governments, Treasury and the Reserve Bank never dare to measure their economic management success on the creation and maintenance of affordable housing for the majority of average income earning households. Today, none of the entities charged with directing our economy have enunciated a strategy to deliver this important public policy goal for Australia.

Rather, all seem focused on strategies designed to drive household wealth higher through the compounding of residential property prices, with little consideration of the burden it creates for either young households or for future generations.

The problem with runaway prices

Unfortunately, as time transpires, and as wage growth consistently trails below house price appreciation, unaffordability will increase and expand across society. This will result in the creation of an underclass, populated by those that will struggle throughout their life to own a home. This will occur in a society that today boasts one of the highest standards of living in the world.

Note: Over the last 27 years, wages have risen by 127.5%, while housing prices have risen by a total of 483%.

The above chart compares the compounded growth in house prices to that of wages. It is a confronting picture that should have concerned successive governments in the periods prior to the GFC, prior to Covid and particularly now in the post Covid period. The 27-year period shows a growing gap between the rise in house prices and wages. It shows why today's Australian house prices have come to trade at historic multiples of household income.

The chart below shows that growth in house prices is substantially correlated to the growth in household debt. Australia now has the world’s highest household debt to income amongst our peers and it has amongst the highest residential property prices.

It is a peculiar measure of ‘economic success’ when the owners of residential property – occupiers and investors – can consistently generate paper wealth through compounding capital gains. The excessiveness of that wealth is measured by the mortgage stress confronting residential property buyers who are driven into debt by their fear of missing out.

Over the last 27 years, Australian house prices have also compounded at a faster rate than consumer prices. Meanwhile, wages have grown faster than the generally accepted measures of consumer price inflation.

However, the measure of inflation does not truly reflect the surge in the average price of dwellings (the entry price) which is weighted to mortgage servicing costs, rents and maintenance. Inflation measurements, particularly related to housing costs, do not capture the true cost stress confronting families. Clearly, the cost of living for a young family is far different to that of a mature retiree. A bland CPI cannot capture this.

To quote the ABS on its measurement of inflation:

“The CPI is designed as a measure of inflation experienced by households, rather than a measure of the cost of living … Housing is a significant component in the CPI contributing over 22% of the weight of the basket. This includes spending on new dwellings, rents, utilities, maintenance and repair of dwelling and property rates.”

With the compounding of housing prices, the cost of housing and therefore living, has and will continue to rise dramatically for each successive new entrant into the housing market. Therefore, as housing becomes increasingly unaffordable, it is near impossible for statisticians to truly measure the cost of housing, either inside an inflation reading or in a cost-of-living index.

Source: CBA FY24 Results Presentation

Young families are increasingly confronted by a rising housing market and there is evidence that they are adjusting their life choices accordingly. The starkest adjustment has been the decline in the birth rate. Offsetting this has been the decisions by Government and bureaucracy to increase immigration. These decisions have ensured that excessive demand is sustained for housing. This is just one example of the growing divide between political necessity and sensible public policy settings. It exemplifies why a national bipartisan housing policy needs to be urgently created to deflate the housing bubble that has been created.

Political incumbents have bathed in the creation, adoption and support of policies that have driven house prices higher. Their focus is towards those that will support them into Government. There are more debt free house owners than mortgaged owners. Rising house prices are positive for owners and will attract their votes. Governments struggle to contemplate or espouse housing policies that may upset this wealth bucket – even if it is for long term benefit and sustainability of society.

The failure to develop policies to address housing affordability and the cost of living, has resulted in a voting shift away from the major governing parties. Minority governments, driven by populism rather than pragmatism, could develop.

There is an overwhelming need to develop a bipartisan national policy for ensuring stable and sustained housing affordability. The following are my thoughts and suggestions to start the process.

How to rebalance our housing market

So, what can be done to stem house price rises and to rebalance the housing to income ratio? How to develop a viable rental market where rents are not driven by excessive leverage?

Australia needs an agreed national housing policy set with a bipartisan approach. A policy that targets agreed outcomes. The affordability of housing, based on sustainable multiples of average income, should be set. The policy needs to address the rental market to make it sustainable for low-income earners over the long term.

Housing policy needs to develop from a proper review and with inputs coming from across society. It cannot be limited or directed by political or bureaucratic thought bubbles.

It first needs an admission that our housing policy has been wrong for many years. It needs an acknowledgement that rectification with be costly and painful.

We need to accept that the housing price bubble needs to be deflated by a managed policy rather than a future market implosion.

My suggestions are broad ranging. Some have already been canvassed in debates, some have already been mildly adopted, whilst some are radical and controversial. All are designed to check housing prices and create a sustainable rental market for low-income earners.

  1. Remove lenders mortgage insurance. Banks use this policy to increase the loan-to-value (LVR) for borrowing but insure their risk not the borrowers. Higher LVR’s allow higher gearing, which drives further heat into the market. If lenders are willing to take higher LVR risk, then they can put up the capital to do so.
  2. Restrict foreign - non-resident – ownership. Now belatedly adopted by the Government from 1 April.
  3. Slow immigration consistent with rebalancing housing market demand and drive immigrated skills towards the supply of housing.
  4. Agree a national housing building target allocated across the states with penalties (less GST) for non-performance. Local Government and State Governments need to urgently review planning rules. The majority of demand is unmet in areas with appropriate public transport and other infrastructure.  Artificially suppressing density drives families into more remote locations which results in higher transport and living costs. 
  5. Target low income and income support housing developments. Create Public/Private ‘build to rent’ infrastructure bonds. Government guarantees will be important to create a stable secondary market for these bonds.
  6. Support private builders developing mid-range housing. Create a regulated environment for partnerships with superannuation funds incentivised to provide funding (debt/equity) to approved/registered builders. Severely restrict the existence of private builders with thin capital.
  7. Consider tax changes inside a proper reset of taxation laws. For instance, should rent (paid) be tax deductible for certain people in certain income bands? Should negative gearing be limited to the income of the underlying asset? Can housing infrastructure bonds be created to channel savings towards appropriate borrowers inside a restructured tax system?
  8. Accept that house prices need to decline for a period (painful) with the Government to take over existing loans from banks that do not meet regulated debt ratios, so that the financial system can adjust without depleting bank capital. A once off opportunity setting a point from which banks will be penalized for future excessive lending.
  9. Review occupancy laws. One of the contributing factors to housing shortages has been the reduction in people per household, usually divorced families have two houses not one. Planning provisions that prohibit co-living and better use of existing houses constrain supply. 

I suspect that there will be many counters and/or responses to the above.

I also expect howls of criticism and that is fine if it is done inside a discussion aimed at achieving an outcome.

Let’s get a policy restructuring started with all thoughts heard and considered. Further, let's accept that it is a policy set for an outcome that will be costly, and which may take a decade to bear fruits. Long-term planning is not an obstacle if a bipartisan approach is taken. The AUKUS agreement is a prime example of an agreed long-term policy – and we are risking hundreds of billions of investment capital, with an uncertain timeline and result. Surely a National Housing Policy would be so much easier to develop.


John Abernethy is Founder and Chairman of Clime Investment Management Limited, a sponsor of Firstlinks. The information contained in this article is of a general nature only. The author has not taken into account the goals, objectives, or personal circumstances of any person (and is current as at the date of publishing).

For more articles and papers from Clime, click here.


February 22, 2025

The nonsense about negative gearing and CGT discount causing the issues is ridiculous. We are at pimples on a pumpkin people.

I wish you could upload images to this thread. I have chart showing in 1970-1975 we had 18-20,000 public housing approvals per annum with less than 13m population.

Since the year 2000 almost every year has less than 4,000 and we are over 26m. Now, if you could see the chart, 10,000 missing homes per annum is generous (i.e. a detailed calc likely to be more) and 55 years is 550,000 homes that are missing due to governments of all political persuasions, state and federal obviating their responsibilities. So as a ratio the government(s) are building 10% of what they did in 1970.

Blaming the only remaining landlords for the rental crisis when the biggest landlord left the room is so ignorant of the facts. Further, like in Victoria, if you keep persecuting the only remaining landlord with ludicrous and over the top levies, fines, expenses and taxes, they too will leave the market, just the like government already has.

Good old Alan did a series on the ABC recently and completely missed this single and most important aspect to the current problems. Not sure how diligent his research was?

There will always be at least 20% of the population that can probably never afford a house the government either needs to provide a regulatory environment (with yet more tax concessions not less than the existing ones are required) or stump the billions and billions themselves.

Anyone who argues CGT and neg gearing are to blame just doesn't understand the dynamics. I personally would be happy with indexation (CGT) as you should not pay tax on inflation and quarantining loss to the asset (although income account (losses) to capital account (gains) would need to be resolved). But to ban them is akin to fixing an alcoholics problem with an endless supply of vodka.

February 22, 2025

Australia,USA,UK,NZ,Can.,Fr.,Sweden,Israel,Ireland all have home ownership rates between 63 and 69% with the Australia in the middle at 67%.Do we have a unique problem ?

February 22, 2025

You're right Stan.Having people I've worked with and distant relations in a few countries they repeat the same thing as here. The UK,where a lot of them are really into conspiracy theories,and a couple of flat earthers.They are great fun,immigration is to blame keep them out,.I'm sick of telling them there are too many green lizard people,we have to get rid of them,they carry the blame.

They love the words follow the money,that takes you to the criminals. Bill Gates is to blame,he has their share of the money and he is trying to kill them to get even more of it .When I casually point out that following the money isn't a bad idea,I'll show you why .Pull up a chart of Microsoft,show them the price of the stock in 1992 when Gates became the richest man in the world .Split adjusted the price is probably a few cents ,every few cents they spent then is worth ~ $400? now. Of course they may have had to spend $400 for 1 share back then,it's just the adjust that takes it down to a few cents .

I could write a book about the strange things they want to see and the list of people and things that should be blamed for what they choose to see,do and believe. You put that very well.

John Abernethy
February 22, 2025

Hi Stan

The percentage of home ownership might be consistent but the price of homes to income is not. Nor is the level of household debt to GDP.

Australia is near top of the pops on price to income and wins gold for household debt ratio.

Residential property in major Australian cities is hideously expensive. Home ownership will continue to decline if not rectified and the numbers of retirees with debt will grow as well.

February 22, 2025

Home ownership has dropped a small % overall but that statistic only tells part of the story, if you look into home ownership by age group, the drop in 2 age groups is very large.

February 22, 2025

Has anyone travelled to Europe or Asia over the past 20 years and noticed the standard housing of local citizens? Just saying it's all relative as lower cost does not equate to better standard of living

February 22, 2025

“changes in CGT changed the dynamics of property investing. Investors willingly gave up yield for capital growth”
There is no need to look to scapegoats such as negative gearing or changes to CGT as being responsible for the “housing crisis” if the growth in house prices can be fully accounted for by combining the growth in household incomes (including the rise of dual income households) with the growth in borrowing capacity due lower cost of borrowing.

February 21, 2025

Another article about housing affordability.
My take, after reading all the ideas floating around, is that the problem is intractable in the current political climate.
Bipartisan support, give me a break, our system doesn't work like that.
But hey, I'm a 73 year old negative single male.

February 21, 2025

One idea would be as myself were made redundant from the car industry as thousands of others were. We could’ve built houses in factory conditions as others did after the second war much cheaper and they could be places straight on site on a slab pre-wired pre-plumbed for everything. No problems with weather etc , 3 shifts 5 days a week would get thing moving.

February 22, 2025

Peter C, can't recall where saw recent article to refer you for interest, encouragingly a company now doing, some Councils slowly accepting apparently and they didn't look half bad. Very busy, inkling it said hard to keep up with demand, maybe new type of apprenticeship in field would help in what some may see as up & coming industry, to my untrained eye appeared to be combination of engineering and builder skills. Looked nice, far improved on 'pre-fabs' in UK in many places after WW2 many of which still standing eyesores even with 5* landscaping efforts around some.

February 21, 2025

Some valid points but the fundamental question is missed. Is a house an investment or a human need? Alan Kohler pointed this out recently. If, as a society, we want it to be the former then tinkering with the metrics won't help and property will progressively become the domain of the wealthy. Or if we actually decide it's the latter, then we need policies that match this. But we need to answer the basic question first.

John Abernethy
February 21, 2025

Thank you Derek,

If the answer to the fundamental question that you present - is that housing is a human need - then housing and indeed property would be owned by the government.

That is not going to happen and no one would suggest that it is a solution in a democratic Australia.

So the question - as I proposed it - is how to manage the residential property market to make it more affordable and limit the risk of a severe market correction?

February 21, 2025

Exactly. It's not a "fundamental question" at all. It's an example of binary thinking - everything must be entirely one thing or the other - that herds people into ideological argument and stops actual progress.

February 22, 2025

That's not correct. Answering the question just informs public policy, leading to the sorts of solutions you suggest. The problem is that we can't decide. We want it both ways. So the pendulum has fallen to the investment side. As a society we are worse off.

It seems to me that every initiative of government in the last 25 yrs (ie. My short adult life, give or take) has been to push the investment bandwagon. Grants, tax policy, reducing investment in social housing and expecting private 'investors' to fill the gap, banking regulations. They are geared to encourage, promote, entice people to 'invest' in property. I don't know why we are so surprised at the current situation.

I get emails from REA - "How has your home performed this year". This tells me everything about what is wrong with our system.

The solutions you suggest are fine, but only if the the fundamental question is asked and answered first. To say the only alternative is a socialist utopia is absurd. Governments/we just need to decide if we want homes to be the domain of the rich or not. Because we are doing a good job of that at the moment.

February 21, 2025

Know it's not popular with most, still think up to $50,000 super drawdown for 30+ yr olds who have minimum of 10yrs contributions to super should be allowed to help with deposit with conditions of repayment of same to Super within 7 yrs to get them over the line of homeownership now. Once they have a mortgage & home, their 'other' savings attitude will change so not to lose home.

February 21, 2025

I'd like to see some statistics with regards the following:

1. How many people who want to buy somewhere to live, can't, because they say property is too expensive (where they'd like to buy)?
2. What are the reasons given why those people can't buy a place to live?
3. Where are those people trying to buy a place to live?
4. What sort of dwelling are those people trying to buy?
5. What is the average price of a dwelling where those people are trying to buy?
6. How much can those people afford to buy a place to live?
7. What are the age cohorts of the people who want to buy but can't, because of financial reasons?
8. What steps are those people taking to buy a place to live?
9. What is the income of those people who are trying to buy a place to live?
10. How much money do those people have?
11. How much money do they save?
12. How much can they borrow?

Of course, there are many more things to know to understand the true situation.

Andy R
February 21, 2025

Cash rate at 6%
Migration level capped at 1% population.

It doesn’t need a complicated 9 point formula to understand access to credit and demand has driven property to nose bleed levels.

February 21, 2025

Andy R

I think you missed the whole point of the article… ie to move housing prices lower without creating an implosion. Note the statement

“We need to accept that the housing price bubble needs to be deflated by a managed policy rather than a future market implosion.”

Your two point suggestion would create a managed implosion.

Andy R
February 22, 2025

My suggestion will do none of that..

Returning cash rate and migration to a long term average will only help boost the average Australian citizen in the long term. (Dont be short sighted)

Higher rates will help control inflation, encourage savings and strengthen the currency.

Lower migration will take pressure off public services, local infrastructure, increase wage growth and enhance long term social cohesion.

Restoring Australia way of life back to where it belongs! #1
God bless

February 21, 2025

"fix Australia's housing crisis":

0. Larger interest rates.

'Make Saving Grand Again' to the point where first home buyers can afford to pay 'cash on knocker'.

February 21, 2025

In these difficult housing times it is a pity that a rental property held in a SMSF fund cannot be rented to a family member especially when commercial property can.

February 21, 2025

How could that make a difference if the rental property is already let, as it should be to provide income to the super fund for current/future super pensions?

February 21, 2025

I currently rent but have enough in Super to buy a house and still retire at 60.

Why can't my Superannuation buy a house now and I rent it of my Superannuation at market rates?

I'm still providing for my retirement, my rent money goes towards my Superannuation, not some other investor.

February 21, 2025

Because, Disgruntled, we would need a whole new layer of bureaucracy to ensure that you were letting it to yourself at "market rates" - whatever that means to you. The only way you know market rates is by putting the place on the market.

February 21, 2025

"Why can't my Superannuation buy a house now and I rent it of my Superannuation at market rates?":

Law. Arm's length.

Presumably, you do not have cash to buy a home now.
You could buy a home now with a mortgage where payments are less than your current rent.
At 60 you could retire, and retire mortgage with cash from super.

February 22, 2025

Geoff/Dudley my question was rhetorical in response to Samantha's re renting to related parties.

I just added renting to ones self, paying rent to your own Superannuation rather than a landlord.

Rent could be set as the average of 3 real estate rental assessments.

There wads the equity deal where government (state or federal, can't remember which) could own X% of your property and you didn't pay interest but they got an equivalent % of profits if you sold at a later date.

$600k property, 30% equity to government

Sell house for $1M down the track, government gets 30%

Similar thing was touted for Superannuation.

Peter Care
February 21, 2025

I totally agree with you that the best way to improve housing affordability is to implement policies which cause a price fall in housing costs. However any Government that attempts that is doomed to be thrown out.
Re your specific 9 points;
1) Agree, but I would go even further. Reduce the LVR to 70%, i.e you need a 30% deposit and any amount received from the bank of mum and dad must be considered by the lenders as existing debt which reduces the amount a borrower can lend. The exception is if the borrower has a written, signed and witnessed document that the amount received from the bank of mum and dad is a gift and does not have to be repayed.
2) Agree, and restrict foreign companies and trusts from buying residential property. Also make it a criminal offence for a local resident to to be a front buyer when the actual owner is a foreign non resident.
3) Disagree, but change the mix of immigrants, Only 5% of immigrants work in building and construction. We have critical skills shortages in areas such as aged care, health, teaching, IT, truck drivers, even fruit and vegetable harvesters. Do we really stop immigrants in areas of skills shortages?
4) Agree. However the biggest Nimby councils are in wealthy social economic areas with great facilities and powerful constituents. They constantly complain that even medium density housing will change the character of the neighbourhood.
5) Agree, the secret to reducing rents is to build more public housing. The amount of public housing in our cities is less than half what it was 50 years ago (per head of population) In fact over the last 50 years Governments have torn down public housing and sold the land to build private dwellings. A block to 10 flats became 1 McMansion.
6) A few years ago I spoke to the CEO of a large public offer super fund. He said whilst he does not have anything against build to rent, they can’t make it work financially. A 3-4% gross return of residential housing is just not enough. They are not in build to rent because it is not a good enough return for their members.
7) Agree and go further, scrap the 50% CGT discount . However no politicians will even look at this area again after Bill Shorten proposed the limiting of negative gearing and the reduction of the CGT discount.
8) Agree and limit banks to 70% LVR’s in future.
9) Agree and make it easier for pensioners to rent out one bedroom per home without that income being included in the income test. So many older single people with 3 and 4 bedroom homes where the extra bedrooms are just storerooms.

The Real estate institutes would hate your proposals because they love high house prices and they will start a campaign against anything that threatens higher housing costs.

February 21, 2025

Real estate agents don't care about the price, they care about churn, buying and selling happening

John Abernethy
February 21, 2025

Thank you Peter,

Re your point 6 - I think that the return quoted - 3 to 4% - refers to a rental yield.

Further, I suspect it is a yield on market value and not on cost.

But happy to be corrected.

In any case the idea of a residential housing infrastructure bond requires a structure where the rental streams are channelled into a structure, that then distributes those net cashflow returns to the bond holder ( having funded the building costs including land acquisition etc).

The bond could be set for 10 to 20 years with a minimum yield return guaranteed by the government. That gives the bond a strong secondary market.

At maturity the bond fund could be converted into a equity fund or bought back fully by the government to hold and support the tenants or facilitate the acquisition of the properties by the tenants. The ultimate resolution of the asset being determined by the market.

February 21, 2025

Yield is always against value, not cost

John Aberneghy
February 21, 2025


If a Investor funds the cost of building a residential house their actual rental yield is calculated on their cost.

The total return to that investor is the market value ( on completion) less cost ( ie capital gain) plus the cash yield on cost.

The IRR is the total return ( capital gain plus cash net income) / divided by the time the asset is held.

If the yield on cost is the same as the yield at market value then the asset has been over capitalised or rent is being undercharged.

Social housing ( as a sub category) is generally characterised by lower rent and so needs government support to the investor whom finances the construction ( build to rent) to lift the total return.

Non social housing - build to rent - should produce much much better returns than 3% or 4% - if the development is properly structured and cost of construction properly set.

February 21, 2025

That's a different barrel of fish.

Due to the building of a new dwelling.

Next investor who buy it, it's about yield on the price.

Same as someone that bought a house 45 years ago, yield is on current value, not what they paid for it 45 years ago.

February 20, 2025

“Rising house prices are positive for owners and will attract their votes.”

Not me. My house is my home, not an investment How its market value changes is pretty much irrelevant.

February 21, 2025

Trevor, as my much older brother told me when I was 16 about a gold necklace received as birthday gift, nothing has a value unless one wants to sell and there is a buyer at same time and you'd better remember that. Never forgotten.

February 20, 2025

Can't speak for everyone else, but it has always been hard on a single wage IMO, So what did I do?

1. Increase your income. (Fifo work for me).
2. Save deposit and buy a unit. Keep the unit.
3. Save next deposit buy a townhouse. Keep it.
4. Save next deposit buy a house. Keep it.
5. Save next deposit buy another house. Keep it.
Manage/maintain/improve/rent out as you go and live in the house you want to. Understand the 6 year rule and all relevant state regulations.
6. Retire and work when/if it suits you (50 for me).

Yes it took from 2000-2020 (Brisbane ) to get to the point of being able to leave work, yes I worked the whole time, yes it was hard, yes tenants can be a challenge, yes I drive a 20 year old ute, yes I am owed a lot of holiday's and time off.

But yes it was worth it and Ive shared my strategy many times to interested parties, my experience is not many are prepared to do the hard long-term work to reap the rewards.

Sorry if this upsets some people but honestly look at what you can do to change your future rather than complaining about the current reality.

Politicians are not the answer and superannuation will be taxed until it's just a pension. Build your own wealth outside super and in my opinion property is the cornerstone, yes I still see opportunity in Brisbane market, yes in undesirable areas but in 20 years, they will be desirable...
Best of luck with your property search.....

February 21, 2025

S.D.W. You made my heart sing reading your comment. Hard work & learning how to use finance along the way is definitely what works whether property or anything else. Australians are safe if all followed your advice.

February 20, 2025

Re Point 7, If rent was to become tax deductible in certain tax bands it's likely some landlords would push up rent in a tenancy changeover just by knowing that fact.

February 20, 2025

What about moving the public servants out of the cities.

February 21, 2025

There is a shortage of rental properties and houses for sale in rural regional areas. Not enough for school teachers and nurses as it is.

David Rohr
February 20, 2025

I suggest a scheme with a three pronged approach for Sydney ( that could be adapted for other cities) that:
1. Increases the size of secondary dwellings (granny flats) from 60m2 to 120m2 as complying development.
2. Allows the secondary dwelling to be subdivided from the principal dwelling to create two separate Torrens titles.
3. Provides tax and pension exemptions for owners who sell or rent the primary or secondary title to essential workers and means tested first home buyers at or below 75% of market value or rent.
That would increase supply, reduce cost and assist downsizing and avoid the need for council approvals if the rules of the scheme are complied with eg landscaping. It should be at or close to revenue neutral.

February 20, 2025

It’s simply a broken situation. First home buyers are usually median income workers , & the median is about $67k PA , a lot lower than the average $100k.
Banks usually only lend up to 5 times salary , so borrowing capacity is only $335k for the median & $500k for the average . And if the family want kids,,,only 1 salary can be relied upon.
After paying expensive rents both of those borrowers will need savings up to $100k deposit, so what can they buy.??. Nothing much , apart from cheap dumps in places you wouldn’t want to take your dog.
Even “homes” in high crime areas of Sydney & Brisbane are in the 7 figure range.
Who wants to put down $200k in hard earned savings as a deposit , then be tied to an $800k mortgage for 30 years in a crappy location .
The future for these prospective home owners is bleak.

February 20, 2025

More ideas to reduce housing costs:
1. Improve building management practice to reduce costs eg avoid workers standing around waiting for materials.
2. Simplify the Building Code of Australia to encourage innovation leading to lower cost buildings.
3. Find cost reductions in excessive Australian Standards eg over designed concrete slabs.
4. Reduce red tape at every level.
5. Reduce dependence of Government and Councils on revenue raised mainly from increasing housing prices.

February 21, 2025

2. The current innovation has led to blocks of units cracking up, being deemed as unsafe to live in, faulty plumbing just to name a few of the problems of condemned properties.

February 20, 2025

Why graph a 27 year period? Perhaps a 60 year period would provide the extra data for a more informed debate.

Peter Beaconsfield
February 20, 2025

There are two sectors that need support.
Firstly, for those that don't have sufficient savings and/or income to purchase a dwelling our governments must enter into arrangements to provide both long term rental social housing and rental affordable housing. This is a government responsibility that is no different to the support offered through pensions and schemes such as the NDIS. Such arrangements can include the government providing seed funding to housing trusts or long term land leases at peppercorn rent on unused/underutilised land to housing trusts. Or they could simply directly subsidise the rent or offer tax incentives of a similar value to the rental subsidy required.
The second sector is the 'entry level' dwelling. Governments and their advisers have been hellbent on upping the requirements in building regulations and specifications. But there has been no pause in the cycle of changes. The added red & green tape is adding to the complexity and cost of constructing dwellings. Let's freeze the regulations for 8 to 10 years and give the suppliers, trades and builders time to confidently round out their knowledge and expertise instead of continually changing the rules. Let's also make sure that there are agreed documented ways to comply with the rules without having to pay for 'expert reports'.
When our children moved out of home they quickly identified 'afforadble housing'. In many cases it was the 1960's flats which despite all their shortcomings were simply constructed and economically constructed.

February 21, 2025

“This is a government responsibility that is no different to the support offered through pensions and schemes such as the NDIS”

Not really. Pensions are for old people and the NDIS is for disabled people.

February 20, 2025

By far the biggest problem has been excessive migration. There are simply too many people and not enough houses, with the construction industry flat out building houses and infrastructure already. Under the current Labor government, net migration is running at twice the record of any previous government. Bizarrely, this has predominantly been low skill migration, hence declining productivity, disposable income and GDP per capita. Limit migration to high skill migrants who have a high paying job lined up, and make sure students head home after finishing their studies instead of hanging around for years on low/no skill jobs.

john flynne
February 20, 2025

Why isn't there a discussion about Super as it effectively takes 12-15% of wages and does nothing to assist people into their own home? Owning a home is considered the best way to start retirement but our super funds merely want their members become renters. Mr Swan where are you wanting to get embers into home ownership ?

February 20, 2025

The role of Super is to provide a retirement income , rather than flame the house prices even higher

February 20, 2025

Super is in fact helping moderate house prices because it forces people to accumulate wealth in assets other than housing, thus providing capital for productive assets(rather than fixed bricks and mortar

February 20, 2025

Re point 6, as an American expat living in AU for 15 years, I've often wondered why large scale "build to rent" projects don't seem to be popular here. All American cities feature large "condo complexes" from basic and affordable to high end luxury.

February 21, 2025

BTR projects have to struggle against the tax system. The Feds recently doubled BTR's building depreciation allowance to 5% p.a.from 2.5%. However, state governments have done little to nothing to ease the burden of annual land tax for BTR. Land tax is vastly higher for BTR because usually one party owns the building compared to often zero land tax in NSW if each apartment is owned individually. NSW has a land tax exemption threshold of $1.08m, indexed. VIC is just $50k. BTR rentals are always higher than otherwise, typically 15%, partly due to higher profit needs of a commercial enterprise than a mum&dad investor and partly to offset the land tax disadvantage. BTRs know exactly the fully burdened cost to offer an apartment for lease. A private investor often does not know and may try to avoid maintenance BTR cannot legally do. Then there is CGT if the BTR is sold.

February 22, 2025

“NSW has a land tax exemption threshold of $1.08m, indexed.”

NSW treasurer has frozen the threshold.

February 20, 2025

Hard to argue with most of your proposals John.

I wonder if CGT changes might also help although given any such change would not be retrospective then maybe that horse has bolted. I understand correlation doesn’t always equal causation but the rise in house prices since 2000 does correspond with the Howard/Costello CGT changes. I recall at the time Costello banging on that these changes were going to be wonderful for productivity and innovation. I also recall the now despised Mark Latham making a very insightful speech where he said words to the effect the only outcome of these changes would be to turbocharge the property market.

February 20, 2025

You are right in my view (Correlation vs causation). My view also is this period also coincided with a massive drop in interest rates and a commensurate increase in borrowing capacity. It is the supply of capital (my view) that caused this shift, not the tax changes. CGT calculation methodology rarely features in a prospective purchasers mind as a key reason for buying.

Also note, if my view is correct, rising and sustained higher rates will reduce the supply of capital that prospective purchasers have notwithstanding this weeks small drop.

February 20, 2025

'this period also coincided with a massive drop in interest rates and a commensurate increase in borrowing capacity
This is the elephant in the room that nobody wants to acknowledge has been the biggest driver of growth in house prices. As a matter of fact if you combine the growth in household income (due to inflation and/or productivity) with the growth in borrowing capacity (due to massively lower cost of borrowing) you just about arrive at the growth in house prices. Simple really.

February 20, 2025

The changes in CGT changed the dynamics of property investing. Investors willingly gave up yield for capital growth.

7% to 10% were common rental yields, now investors are happy with 2% to 3% if they are getting great capital growth.

Capital growth has started to reduce in this current economy.

Another boost in the early 90's was a result of more dual income households.

I was born in the late 60's and was at primary school in the 70's and high school in the 80's. It was quite common for single income households back then or the wife worked part time for a little extra money for the household. Think late night trading Thursday and Friday and Saturday until 1PM.

Late 80's and into 90's that started to change more.

So higher income households being able to borrow at low interest rates plus CGT changes for the early investors to get first mover advantage.


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