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12 March 2025
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Please click on the relevant year to read all editions from that year.
Special ebook: 20 interviews in 2020, ETFs as $100bn looms, IPO a-go-go, 5 reasons to aim small, wrong super policies, 2021 outlook, fix your estate.
Investing trends for 2021, why emerging markets now, performance test fail, change to SG, companies control boards, do we rely on China?
Hamish Douglass on tech and post-COVID, costs of SMSFs, outsourcing investing, living longer, quality ETFs, Review pushes SKIing, are zombies real?
5 ways Retirement Review hits super, Keating defends, property income interview, tech concentration risk, fixing the debt, new SMSF risk.
Investing pivotal moment, 11 retirement findings, bank mojo returns, Oliver's optimism, wealth transfer, offices live on, bond basics, real-time data
China not Biden or Trump, Vynokur on ETF surge, creator of 4% rule, 7 estate planning tips, elections and gold, home equity, vaccine investing.
Disunited States of America, why tech commands a premium, Chris Cuffe, Noel Whittaker, oil price peaks, index problems, four recovery strategies, UK.
Is retail the dumb money? 13 investment risks to check, Presidential guide, why ESG keeps growing, SMSF and your retirement home, value of advice.
All-star cast: Hamish Douglass, Kate Howitt, Roger Montgomery, Phil Ruthven, me and Al Gore, 18 cheap stocks, share portfolio insurance and AREITs.
New rules of retirement investing, tech defensive or falling, low rates and growth, aged care progress, currency as risk or gain, share price ruse.
Budget's $17.9bn dream, 60/40 death throes, investors saved companies, too big to perform, why retail needs bond funds, food delivery, super tax.
Super's elusive 12%, retiring after 47 years investing, my marriage breakdown and my SMSF, Montgomery, residential resilience, EM, early super.
Tech stock picks, Tesla bubble, FX impact on global shares, K-shaped recovery, when you have enough, how pension helps wealthy, your survey responses.
LICs pivot, gold's time, SMSFs COVID checklist, market Ponzi, funding retirement, Australia's debt, surprising survey results.
Snap back or road map survey, family business success, property trust winners, ethical not fluffy, fix SMSF EPOA, Ackman on super, define defensive.
A one fund investment for beginners, 5 big SMSF trends, new speculators, COVID means work longer, China-US decoupling, fixed income matrix.
Income v capital on shares, Ruthven criticises lockdowns, making vaccines, global equity game plan, capital raising, bond big bang, energy parity.
Keating v Hume, Hamish Douglass uncertainty v optimism, 10 themes for 10 years, poor 106th trade rank, earnings maths don't work, large v small caps.
COVID-21 COVID-23, retirement not only super, unglamorous growth, software stock tips, good and bad SPPs, using home for income, VIX explained.
Padley on riskiest reporting ever, why Afterpay keeps running, WFH and offices, 2020 the year of bonds, 5G hype or real, where to for house prices?
Skipping this party after 30 years, gold as defensive, two big themes, client changes, generation blame game, equities in super, COVID green lining.
Vaccine reality check, Matt Williams and Paul Xiradis stock picks, Noel on hedging, five value principles, death of 4% rule, books for a virus year.
6 charts show market stretch, invest during COVID, risky retail, sourcing income, US companies on local exchanges, new SMSF rules, gold as hedge.
My lousy $50K Afterpay profit, FY20 but where to next? 100-year bond risks, Wirecard and ethical ETFs, 6 types of big data, 5 vulnerable industries.
Go figure - great quarter but poor year, SMSF update, Marks & Stammer on the rally, risk and fund rankings, retirement dreams, death benefit pensions.
How virus bubble bursts, Noel on new traders, time to fix LICs, risks moving from 60/40, updated SMSF costs, social impacts, global media.
Fundies versus newbies and Robinhood, Buffett's answer, Padley cleans EOFY duds, ready for the storm, population fall, housing threat, aged care costs.
5 famous fundies with cheap LICs, early warnings, 20 SMSF checks for FY20, 4 company tips, taper rate fix, loss of price signals, recession rally.
3 realities, 3 mistakes, SPP retail ripoff, Afterpay at $50, Cuffe on private debt, Tagliaferro on recovery, choosing index funds, asset allocation.
10 undervalued stocks, best investing lesson, Montgomery on the next high, Moore on value's recovery, gold and SMSFs, cash move, LIC ban, COVID-19.
COVID impact with David Morgan AO, Phil Ruthven AO, 'The Last Dance', next big thing, listed property, SMSFs need to know, getting the health card.
Howard Marks on uncertainty, dividend over-reliance, finding global stocks, put away the champers, bank scorecard, retail & energy investing, bonds.
Buffett's caution, dreamin' of the vibe of future returns, retirement spending, downside risks, NTAs on LICs, are banks a buy? 68 pearls of wisdom.
Portfolio switches, FOMO market spell, not 'unprecedented', known unknowns, four bond options, oil storm to come, aged care advice, media you missed.
Lockdown exit options, lessons from 11 crises over 148 yrs, band-aid solutions don't work, dividend v capital, makeover time, cry wolf on inflation.
Only 17% say market bottomed, UK expert on magic money, where to from here? super's $20K access and policies, shareholders last, life changes.
Hamish Douglass outlook, Bill Gates on lost time, survey on your views, simple covid maths, repay one trillion, new taxes, hybrids, is this different?
Shane Oliver on funding $200bn, Howard Marks changes his call, 4 stages of a bear, COVID snap back, emergency plans and portfolios, SMSF watch, tech.
A critical virus moment with forecasts from McKibbin, Joye, Arnott. Fixed interest LIT price plunge, gold ratios, lockdown in rural France, new media.
When to invest again with Padley, Ruthven, Douglass, Pearce and Oliver, how markets recover, forget everything, Prabhu on bonds, top picks, pensions.
Latest corona updates from Montgomery, Douglass, Jamieson and McCarthy, Antarctica and retirement goals, US v Aus, hybrid margins, SMSF asset patterns.
Balancing sleep and work, acquiring investing skills, women investors, virus effects, bank board experience, quantum computing, SMAs, Manager awards.
Ignore the noise and sit on your hands, Kunal Kapoor on investor success, are sin stocks good, coronavirus effects, insurance pricing, poll results.
Low rates for decades, equity managers in cash, not real disruption, sustainable returns, move to alternatives, no super mega fund, check on SMSFs.
Cash is not just cash, is Aussie QE here? NAB hybrid contest, hold your winners, property flows, retirement gap, advice reduces worries, total return.
Noel's Top 20 on his 80th, Hugh Mackay on what makes us, Cooper on retirement worry, more OK Boomer, global small caps, Future Fund changes, LIC/LITs.
FOMO rides again, your input for Josh's LIC review, Oliver's 5 charts, Mr Market not a fool, Tesla's surge, is super best? margin lending, fresh media.
5 big demographic changes, companies hit by fire, LIC fees, Aussie stocks in China, sources of returns, retiree risk rethink, rogue algo, super access.
When gearing works, Montgomery's optimism, insto pessimism, 20 great tips for retirees, best ways to donate for fires, hybrids v TDs, poacher changes.
Why investing is like eating, your decision-making pyramid, internal ASIC email on LIC fees, fires reveal underinsurance, investing decade, free ebook.
Welcome to 2020 with free ebook of our best interviews, Chris Cuffe selects his favourites from 2019, summer reading list, review 2019 & preview 2020.