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31 March 2025
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Professor Robert Deutsch: "This has got to be the best set of articles on economic and financial matters. Always something worthwhile reading in Firstlinks. Thankyou"
Noel Whittaker, author and financial adviser: "A fabulous weekly newsletter that is packed full of independent financial advice."
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Scott Pape, author of The Barefoot Investor: "I'm an avid reader of Cuffelinks. Thanks for the wonderful resource you have here, it really is first class."
Don Stammer, leading Australian economist: "Congratulations to all associated. It deserves the good following it has."
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Reader: "Great resource. Cuffelinks is STILL the one and only weekly newsletter I regularly read."
Please click on the relevant year to read all editions from that year.
Christmas Greetings, free ebook 5th Anniversary Edition with Chris Cuffe's Top 10 articles. Plus S&P500 and another hit 60 years, what's the horizon?
Bumper edition: largest bubble ever, Chris Cuffe on LICs, Chris Stott on tax, 2018 outlook, new podcast, using tax losses, stadium rebuild, Kiwi ESG.
A super Royal Commission, extrapolating results, Inside Investing #5, IPOs and property, Future Fund megatrends, ETFs, SMSF estate planning, lifeboats.
How shorting affects all, top-performing markets, new podcast, common SMSF problems, tech giants and regulations, global LIC update, focus on ethical.
Cooper on retirement, Ruthven on Asia, 'Inside Investing' podcast, using forecasts in portfolios, worst investment, bank reporting and social media.
'Inside Investing' podcast, behind the small caps surge, changing fixed interest, P2P becoming B2P, diverse property, SMSFs, robo-advice.
New podcast with Livewire 'Inside Investing', strong banks, Montgomery on NAB, non-index ETFs, 25 questions to advisers, life expectancy, small caps.
Divergent performance, enduring lessons from 1987, state taxes kill returns, millennials, SMSFs and estate limits, retirement pensions and survey.
Bulls v bears (share your view), active v passive, inside aged care, research award, company site visits, patient investing and the $1.6m.
Indexing surprise polls, retirement outcomes, Whittaker on pensions and wills, Douglass on disruption, housing balance, havens, advice.
Douglass on why disruption has just begun, Owen on shares, Stott on CEOs, Oliver on 5 investing lessons, Vamos on human capital and Parker on advice.
Start-up legend Jon Medved, 4 common SMSF mistakes, Montgomery's Argentina lessons, gifting, residential, 20/20 v tests, Goldilocks.
Risk-taking and start-ups, both sides join active v index debate, super funds lacking innovation, crazy bonds, LIC update, six TD tips.
10 years of returns, value in hybrids, watch buy/sell spreads, managed accounts, inflation v deflation, LITs v LICs.
Back to basics: Stammer's two big investment lessons, Morrison latest, grey hairs help retirement, how much is enough, living longer and Facebook.
Time for defensive? Shane Oliver, Roger Montgomery and David Bassanese on risks, plus value investing, options protection, economist rave.
Superannuation and SMSF deep dive, Australia's wealth, listed property results, high yield dangers, retirement village outcry and Spaceship footnote.
Laundering via CBA, family trusts for the Snow White family, long-term investing, granny flats, oil gushing, small v big companies, Korean War.
Choosing the best LICs and ETFs, Nobel Laureate on trust in fintechs, minimum investment levels, silver v gold, personal insurance, miracle economy.
Many companies will fail: Hamish Douglass, Roger Montgomery and Howard Marks, family trusts fuss, 'ridiculous' hybrids, responsible investing, debt.
Looking for defensive assets, fake crises, women's super woes, small cap opportunities, SMSFs owning property, death pensions, retiree discrimination.
Bank behaviour, new super tax risks, 2017/2018 winners and losers, M&A, Noel Whittaker, accessing super, emerging market traps, value investing.
Bezos drives Amazon of everything, survey on 2017/18 markets, earnings growth, slavery, listed property disguise, cybercrime, Third Link soft close.
On the Spaceship, 3 questions for new FY, world champion's trainer on investing, tech evangelism, revising estate plans, house affordability, robotics.
What you did with your super, retirement income, building hazards, after-tax investing, knowing good advice, Ambachtsheer writes to us, China and wine.
Montgomery on the 'new plateau', Douglass on investing mistakes, need for higher contributions, merit of DIY super, different indexes and super survey
Hamish Douglass on investment mistakes, bank collapse hits hybrids, adviser alpha, retirement spending, disruption, super changes, AO to Chris Cuffe.
Internet and technology trends, shopping centre success, deflation v inflation, assessing LICs, Bitcoin bubble, avoiding complexity, super decisions
Are we there yet? Trump's effect on markets, retail disruption, millionaire migration, retirement risks, alternatives, market exuberance and property.
Essential EOFY and taxation planning, top tips for SMSFs, estate plans and property, June warning, philanthropy, active misses outliers, 2017 Survey.
Wearing the bank levy, Ruthven on management, ransomware, affordability of government debt, merit of int-only loans, property, small caps and Facebook.
Budget super at margins + Buffett, Bogle, Montgomery and others on indexing + retirement income + innovation before costs + income funds not equal.
Investing secrets from 37 experts for our 200th edition, speaking to their 20-year-old selves - what would you say?
Stammer on loving franking and dividends, Bird on bond bull market, plus 'free' LIC options, shareholder activism, property portfolios and UCITS.
Montgomery on retail threat, Sala Tenna on marginal buyers driving markets, Owen on bank risk, super contributions, tax planning, infrastructure.
Property prices driven by household debt binge, pension black holes, directors selling, five super urban myths, ESG, great trade stories, RG97 fees.
Portfolios not diversified, insider sales warning, super and insurance and estate planning, DB schemes, unrealistic SMSFs, duration and fees.
Super houses, four things retirees must know, watch fees, 10 grey swans, fear of outliving savings, ethical investing, LIC update and oil prices.
Crispin Murray's reporting season optimism, Cuffe v Whittaker on CGT, super changes, portfolio diversification, ETFs come of age, affordable housing.
Cuffe says replace CGT discount, Owen on house prices, Hayes on future cities, CGT transition, research on ageing, funding education and LIC dividends.
Montgomery on active manager performance, Tagliaferro and Giddy on defying macro trends, internal management, strategic asset allocation, your super.
Advisers struggling with rules, ASFA boss issues super challenges, Minister quotes Keating in Cuffelinks, super complex, trade policies, money pits.
Managing the super changes, surviving markets in 2017, five fintech tests, NAB subordinated issue and SMSF size matters.
Market highs not so high, bank hybrids, robo limitations and possibilities, ATO's focus on property purchases, SMSF statistics, LICs and $1.6m update.
Trumping hope over reality, two uses of $1.6m cap, some welcome super changes, fintechs, estate planning, retirement outcomes and unusual trends.
Howard Marks on expert opinions, Roger Montgomery on banks, 10 tips on SMSF windups, ETF predictions, MyRetirement outcomes, ESG, super strategies.